March 30, 2021 – Educators’ Webinar – Towards Liberation with Harvey Milk (1970s)

Nowadays we celebrate Harvey Milk Day on May 22nd. Following the demonstrations in the 50’s and the civil rights era in the 60’s, the 70’s brought a post-Stonewall era that invited more direct action for queer liberation. In this webinar we will talk about the impact of Harvey Milk and his work, the antecedents to the events of his life, and the legacy that was left. Learn ways to incorporate Harvey Milk into your curriculum and find ways to celebrate this queer trailblazer in United States history. An historian will discuss the academic content of this time period and a teacher-practitioner will share lesson planning ideas about this time period in the U.S. History.
The cost of this one-time webinar is $30. To ensure quality experience, space is limited. Register today to claim a spot!
Facilitators to be announced soon!
This webinar is co-organized by One Institute and Our Family Coalition.
Image credit: Promotional image by One Institute.